Air Conditioners and Thermostats

Air Conditioners and Thermostats

Air conditioning is a significant energy consumer and can increase electricity bills. It also depends on a variety of conditions such as housing, income, and climate.

Air conditioning units heat, cool, ventilate, clean and dehumidify to provide health and comfort. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to understand the parts that make up an air conditioner.

Evaporator Coil

Located inside your air conditioner’s indoor unit, the evaporator coil is responsible for absorbing warm indoor air and cooling it before returning it to your home. When the blower fan passes over the evaporator coil, it cools the air by causing the refrigerant to evaporate in the process. The cooled air is then circulated back to your home through the ductwork.

The evaporator coil is made up of a network of copper tubing that’s filled with a super cold chemical refrigerant. When the blower fan passes warm air over these coils, the refrigerant absorbs it and starts to transfer heat to your home. The evaporator coil also has thousands of protruding fins that help improve the heat exchange by increasing the surface area.

The evaporator coil should be professionally cleaned every two to three years to ensure it doesn’t develop holes or leaks. Since the coils are exposed to a lot of airborne chemicals from things like new carpeting, upholstery and cleaning products, they can develop corrosion. This can lead to small leaks, which will drain refrigerant from your system and leave you with less cooling power. A professional can find and repair these leaks before they become a major problem. They can also add new refrigerant if needed to restore your system to full operation.

Condenser Coil

Air conditioners cool homes by absorbing heat from the air and expel it outdoors. This process involves a series of heat-transferring cycles that involve both evaporator and condenser coils. These coils may look similar but function in opposite ways.

The evaporator coil absorbs heat from the air that is blown over it by an indoor fan. The Air conditioner cooled refrigerant then flows through the compressor where it is pressurized and converted into a hot, high-pressure gas. Then it flows into the outdoor condenser unit where a fan blows the hot, high-pressure refrigerant over its fins to dispel the heat.

Once the refrigerant has released its heat into the outdoor air, it flows back to your home’s evaporator coil where it begins the cooling cycle over again. A clean evaporator and condenser unit can efficiently transfer heat for optimal air conditioner performance.

The condenser coil is exposed to outdoor elements and can easily become clogged with dirt, leaves, twigs, pet hair and other debris that inhibits the heat exchange process. This impedes air flow and forces your AC to work harder to cool your home. You can prevent this from happening by periodically checking the outdoor unit for debris and keeping the area around it free of tall grass, shrubbery and other vegetation. You can also invest in an air conditioning maintenance plan that includes a cleaning service for your coils.


Many homeowners are familiar with thermostats since they are used to control the heating and cooling systems in their homes. They are small devices that are usually located in a central location in the home or built into window air conditioners.

A thermostat is a device that reads the temperature around it through infrared radiation and converts this information into electrical signals. These signals are then interpreted by the unit and the appropriate action is taken. If the air temperature is higher than your set point, the thermostat will signal the cooling system to come on and lower the temperature. The system continues to operate until the desired temperature is reached.

Some models of thermostats are able to monitor the humidity in your home, which is a nice feature for those who have respiratory conditions or who want to prevent condensation on their windows. Many thermostats also allow you to set up a program schedule for your system. Depending on the model you have, some can be linked to smart home technologies so that they can be controlled from mobile devices.

If your thermostat is not working correctly, there are several possible causes. The first thing to check is the batteries. Dead or old batteries can keep the thermostat Air conditioner distributor from activating. Also, check your home’s power box for tripped breakers or blown fuses that could cut the unit’s electrical supply. If all of this fails, consider calling a professional who can replace the thermostat and ensure that it is properly wired.


Filters trap contaminants like dust, dander, mold spores, hair and particulate matter that could harm the fan or clog coils. A clean filter also improves air quality, especially for allergy sufferers and people with asthma.

Filter options range from disposable, basic pleated filters to HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters with MERV ratings of 10 or higher. An HVAC professional can advise you on what is best for your space.

When you need to change your filter, start by turning off the power to the unit – usually at the breaker. This ensures your safety and prevents dust from blowing back into the unit during the removal process.

If you use a disposable filter, throw it away when it becomes full and replace it with a new one. If you use a washable filter, rinse it with water and household dish washing soap to clean it and then allow it to dry thoroughly before using it again.

The frequency with which you need to change your filter varies, depending on how dirty your environment is and the quality of your home and the number and size of pets in it. High pet numbers and larger, longer-haired animals may shorten the time between changes, as can a poorly sealed house that draws more dust from the outside. It is also wise to consult with an HVAC technician before purchasing filters with a MERV rating over 16, as these are thick and dense, and restrict airflow, which can interfere with your HVAC system’s effectiveness and damage the equipment.

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